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Queue Management System in a Healthcare Facility.
Manajemen Antrian di Fasilitas Kesehatan. Sumber: Freepik

Mengelola arus pasien yang tinggi adalah salah satu tantangan besar yang dihadapi fasilitas kesehatan. Antrian yang panjang dan ketidakjelasan proses dapat menyebabkan ketidakpuasan pasien dan penurunan produktivitas staf. Oleh karenanya, pengelolaan antrian pasien yang efisien sangatlah penting.

Sistem manajemen antrian hadir sebagai solusi yang menjanjikan. Namun, apakah sistem ini merupakan pilihan yang tepat bagi fasilitas kesehatan?

Manfaat Sistem Manajemen Antrian

Illustration of Patients Satisfied with the Quality of Healthcare Services
Ilustrasi Pasien yang Puas dengan Kualitas Layanan Kesehatan. Sumber: qmatic

Dengan sistem ini, pasien dapat membuat janji kunjungan dan mendaftar secara daring, sehingga tidak perlu mengantri secara fisik. Dengan demikian, pasien bisa mendapatkan pelayanan medis dengan waktu tunggu yang lebih singkat.

Reduce waiting times

With queue management systems, patients can book appointments and check in online, which reduces the need for physical lines. This means that patients can spend less time waiting and more time receiving medical care.

Meningkatkan kepuasan pasien

Dengan sistem manajemen antrian, pasien bisa mendapatkan informasi dan perkiraan waktu tunggu, sehingga mereka dapat menyesuaikan waktu kunjungan. Hal ini tentunya akan meningkatkan kepuasan pasien dan memberikan pengalaman yang lebih baik bagi mereka.

Meningkatkan efektivitas kinerja staf

Sistem manajemen antrian mempermudah urusan administrasi, sehingga staf bisa lebih fokus untuk memberikan layanan yang lebih baik kepada pasien.

Mengoptimalkan proses pelayanan medis

Sistem ini dapat mengumpulkan data-data penting, seperti volume pasien, waktu tunggu, kualitas layanan, dan kendala-kendala yang dihadapi. Dengan demikian, fasilitas kesehatan dapat mengetahui hal-hal apa saja yang perlu ditingkatkan untuk mengoptimalkan proses operasional.


Illustration of Patient Queues at Healthcare Facilities.
Ilustrasi Antrian Pasien di Fasilitas Kesehatan. Sumber: Freepik

While queue management systems can offer numerous benefits, there are also potential drawbacks to consider:

Increased complexity

Patients and staff may find the system confusing to use, which can slow down healthcare processes and cause frustration. To avoid this, healthcare facilities should prioritize user-friendly interfaces and provide adequate training for staff.

Technical difficulties

Queue management systems rely on technology, which can sometimes fail or malfunction. Technical issues can lead to delays and frustrated patients.

Lack of integration

If the system is not properly integrated with existing systems like electronic medical records, it can create more work for staff and lead to data discrepancies.

SMARTQUEUE®, Queue Management System for Optimal Patient Experience.
SMARTQUEUE®, Queue Management System for Optimal Patient Experience. Source: BSS

SMARTQUEUE®, a queue management solution from Business Smart Solutions (BSS), is designed to address the unique challenges faced by healthcare facilities.

As an omnichannel queue management system, SMARTQUEUE® prioritizes patient care and encourages continuous business growth through a range of beneficial modules. These modules work seamlessly together to streamline patient flow, optimize operational efficiency, and improve the overall patient experience.

Here are several key features of SMARTQUEUE® that can be beneficial to healthcare facilities:

Seamless integration

SMARTQUEUE® integrates seamlessly with existing healthcare systems to ensure data accuracy and smooth operation.

User-friendly interface and multilingual capability

SMARTQUEUE® is available in multiple languages and features a user-friendly interface that is easy for patients and staff to use. This ensures that all patients feel comfortable and supported throughout their healthcare journey.

Real-time dashboard monitoring and centralized reporting

SMARTQUEUE® provides real-time data on patient volume, wait times, service quality, staff performance, and other critical metrics across multiple locations. These insights can be used to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to enhance patient care.

Multiple check-in options for customers

SMARTQUEUE® offers various check-in options, including virtual queueing, ticketing kiosks, and concierge services. This flexibility allows patients to choose the most convenient method for their needs, which will reduce waiting times and improve the overall patient experience.

In addition to those features, SMARTQUEUE® also offers useful features such as Virtual Caller, Multimedia Display, Personalized Custom Design, and additional modules, including SMS Notifications, Appointment Booking System, and Customer Feedback Solution.

To find out more about SMARTQUEUE®, click here or contact us at

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