PT Murni offers a massive range of products, solutions, as well as IT services for supporting your digital business transformation.
For further information regarding our products, solutions and services, kindly send your queries through email at or reach out to us at +62-21 5841060 (ext. 11272/11282) with subject [Product Information PT Murni]. Please state your name, phone number, as well as your email.
For faster response, kindly reach out to our sales representative through email at with subject [Product Order PT Murni] or call us at +62-21 5841060 (ext. 11272/11282).
As an alternative, you may also fill out the inquiry form here
Please send a cover letter via email to with the subject [Job Application - Work Position] and attach a CV and portfolio.
check our job opportunity also at
Please send an email to hrd@ with the subject [Application for Internship – Department/Faculty/Study Program] and attach your CV and portfolio. Then also convey in an email regarding the estimated time and duration of the internship.
PT Murni opens wide opportunities for students from various tertiary institutions to work as apprentices. All apprentice applicants will go through a selection process before finally being declared qualified and able to take part in the internship.
Please send a proposal via email to info@ with the subject [Offer of Cooperation - Form of Cooperation - Name of Institution/Personal]. Include in the body of the email a brief explanation of who you/your company is and the form of cooperation, as well as attach an official bidding proposal.
Our team will review all incoming proposals and if your cooperation offer is in accordance with PT Murni's business direction, then our party will contact you.
PT Murni opens wide opportunities for students from various tertiary institutions to work as apprentices. All apprentice applicants will go through a selection process before finally being declared qualified and able to take part in the internship.